Castle 704 Child's Play Gifsets

Yey!! Some memorable scenes from the episode.  

Making Beckett taste the potato chip fudge ice cream, which he said tastes salty and sweet, just like him.

Okay, Beckett relents. Hm...because Castle...what you said, she likes it!

The last scene of the cold open:

BECKETT: So, basically we are looking for someone who won't intimidate them? An adult presence, in the classroom, that eight-year-olds will view as a peer, someone that they can consider one of their own?

PRINCIPAL SILVA: Okay. But where would we find someone like that?

CASTLE: Got it. Easy.
Beckett's little eyebrow raise is gold!

This one I just fell in love with:

Nathan Fillion, in a fairy costume with a kid. LOVE!
And then this broke my heart a little but then I think Little Emily knew that her Prince Charming is totally safe in the hands of his real-life Princess.

EMILY: I'm Emily. Who're you?

BECKETT: I'm Kate. I'm Mr Castle's...friend.

EMILY: Do you like to play princess with him?

BECKETT: Yeah. I...sometimes.

EMILY: Are you two getting married?

CASTLE: One day.

BECKETT: One day.
Aw! Look at that face. Defiant yet defeated. Can Emily be flower girl to their wedding? (More so, can the fandom adopt Emily?)

The confession of the bully, which showed Kate's maternal side:

[BECKETT: Jason. Honey. I want you to know that you're not in trouble, okay?

JASON: Duh. All I did was draw a picture.]

BECKETT: Exactly. But I know that you wanna tell me all about this picture. Except Jerkface over there, he thinks that you're too scared and that we should call your mum to come pick you up.

JASON: I'm not scared!

BECKETT: Told ya.
Haha! Jerkface! Beckett, am guessing that joins the ranks of immature, self-centred jackass along with Castle, Rick, and babe.

The real highlight of the episode is actually Nathan Fillion donning fairy wings and a crown. Who wouldn't fall in love with someone like that? ;)



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