So I Recently Watched LOST...Finally
Because I ran out of Evangeline Lilly things. Haha! I first saw her act in Real Steel back in 2011 - because I didn't let any Hugh Jackman film slip through until it became so many >.< - though I knew her from the show. Then came The Hobbit films and Ant-man and Ant-Man and the Wasp, my favourite Marvel Cinematic Universe film because Wasp.♥ I love Wasp before I even binged on all things Evangeline! I don't know why I love Wasp but she's awesome! (My other two MCU faves are Black Panther and Doctor Strange.) I really never had any intention of watching the show mainly because I heard of reviews/comments, whilst positive, said that you will indeed get lost in LOST. It's a little discouraging. But as Hope said, It's about damn time.
I finished the whole series, six seasons of it, in about a week and a half. Like when I binged the same number of seasons of Castle back in 2013. Upon reaching the fifth season, I'm already WHAT AM I REALLY WATCHING? But since I'm also a Doctor Who fan, the timey wimey shenanigans of that show helped. A little.
There came a point where I believe there were parallel timelines running - one in the 1970s and the other in 2007 - which could most likely have caused several paradoxes had they encountered their past selves themselves, not sidelines. We also saw that time for the survivors left on the island was not rectilinear once The Hatch imploded so basically it helped established how the two timelines worked. From then, my DW geek side showed. Change a wee thing in the past, it might be overlooked but anything major is a no-no. It's the flux and fixed points in time wherein flux is constantly changing and fixed is absolute. The only exception in DW is probably Vincent Van Gogh: The Doctor showed him his future as a hugely successful artist and it did nothing. He still killed himself.
Miles was explaining to Hurley everything, is actually what being a fan of Doctor Who is. :)
But the difference of LOST and Doctor Who is when Juliet set off the hydrogen bomb, the timelines converged. I say converged because we saw Sawyer take a box where he kept all the important things he and Juliet shared. Had it been an alternate parallel timeline, that wouldn't happen.
Perhaps it can be likened to the episode Blink where The Doctor sent a message in 1960s to Sally Sparrow in 2006ish (yes, the Weeping Angels episode) and the timelines converging when Sally and The Doctor and Martha finally meet. Or like The Angels Take Manhattan when Rory and Amy's tombstone was seen in the cemetery by them. Basically, as confusing as River Song's timeline.
I digress because this may get long and doesn't make any more sense. But at least I know now how Once Upon A Time was conceived (Kitsis/Horowitz). :D
Some of the things that I don't like are:
1. Kate's character, as one of the leaders, stepped back especially during the last season. It became background. After all the things and stubbornness she had done, she somewhat became indecisive. She wants to come with Jack but she also doesn't want to come because he changed and had hurt her when they went home. And then she gets shot. After six seasons, she gets shot even if it was a through and through. What?
2. Sawyer and Juliet having that tragic ending. They were happy and Sawyer was happy and finally found the woman he really, truly loves and then she was stripped away from him. Although in the last episode, they see each other again, I wish that they could have had more time.
3. Jack and Kate never really being the family that they were meant to be. Growing up in an abusive home situation and her mother turning on her, all Kate wanted was family who would truly care and love her. She found it in Jack because as a doctor, he truly cares. It actually hurt when they arrived in Hawaii in the military plane and Hurley's, Jack's, and Sun's families were there to meet them and then Sayid having Nadia turn up. No one met Kate. So yes, all she wanted was a family to be with.
My unanswered questions, however (or how it's like to be a fan of DW):
1. Kate's name was crossed off. Why was she in the 1970s timeline instead of Sun, whose name wasn't? If the island or the Smoke Monster didn't need Kate at that point (because she became a mother to Aaron, as Jacob reasoned), why was she in that timeline?
2. Why is everybody asking about Walt when everybody should be asking about Aaron? Why was that psychic adamant in Claire taking care of the baby herself and only herself? Who was Aaron? Is he important to the island aside from being born there?
3. Why was Penny in the end scenes? Penny was neither in the original nor the second chance Flight 815. Who killed her? Desmond shouldn't also be there, technically.
4. The Ajira plane left with Kate, James, Claire, and the others, including Richard. Did it happen? Was it part of the second chance arc since the memories flashed included the parallel timelines? Was Richard also ready to move on?
I know not a lot of fans liked the ending but I do. I take it as redemption for the characters. They were all given second chances to live their lives either differently or the same than the ones we were introduced to - Sawyer is a cop, Hurley considers himself lucky, and Kate probably did not murder her stepdad/biological dad though I still think she did. Hahaha! But it was about second chances and letting go. Which reminds me of RENT's lyrics: We must let go to know what's right. I'm a sucker for redemption stories which why I like Discord's story in My Little Pony.
In the second chances arc where the flight reached Los Angeles, it was a little confusing at first when Desmond started recruiting them back, he kept saying "to leave". Then it dawned on me that he meant "to live". My theory became sure when Jack's deceased father told him that all his friends from Oceanic Flight 815 are ready to "move on". In hindsight, they died in the crash, then the island gave them second chances, and they forever lived. They are living today wherever they are now, happy and no more worries. They got the lives they deserved to live after protecting the island.
It's very easy to actually get obsessed* with LOST especially for someone who is also geeking over Doctor Who. Time travel? Check. Weird stuff that goes ding? Check. Wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff? Check. I should have watched a long time ago. I have personal reasons why I didn't manage to (new graduate, first work, etc) but it's always never too late to have something to get obsessed with especially most new shows today are just recycled storylines or if it's actually good, they get cancelled and reality shows abound. Thank you quarantine and I got introduced to this wonderful show. Can we get a reunion over Zoom now, please?
*Am I attached to the show now? Not in a sense of being emotionally attached to the whole thing. But I am attached to Sawyer, Kate, and Jack. Damn it!
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