Castle Season 8 Promo

Finally! The new Castle promo is here! This has scenes from the upcoming season premiere.

Okay, what the hell is that thingamajig that has Always written on it? It seems that Kate is on the run again and "leaves" Castle to keep him safe. Please, PLEASE, leave Kate alone. The girl is happy being married and all to the love of her life! lol

I'm excited now! Two more Mondays and we get to see the season premiere! AAAAAAHHHHH!!! The first episode is called XY and the second is XX. A two-parter premiere like two seasons ago. The first is told in Rick's point of view and the second, Kate's. Yeah, that's what the titles are. Not Caskett babies. I wouldn't say no to little Caskett babies but let the TPTB put it in their story organically. Don't force it.


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