Bullet Point: Castle 709 Last Action Hero
I know I didn't do last episode. I actually didn't feel like it because I didn't like it too much. It's not the story itself but how it was "weaved". And it has discrepancies. But I'm here for the story and the entertainment. :) And this is late. Quite busy. On with our program.
- Oi vey! Moving Day for Beckett! She's moving to the loft. Something the fandom wanted since they got together in Season 5. My reaction later.
- Kate's cousin, Sofia, is moving in her apartment. Stana said it wasn't a reference to For Lovers Only. We can always pretend that Sofia will be coming from Paris.
- Beckett and her frying pan. Seriously...Tangled.
- Hm...Castle won't miss Beckett's apartment and Beckett's upset.
- Murdered victim was Castle's idol growing up, Lance Delorca, and apparently was his role model because he didn't have a father figure.
- Beckett catching the guys watching Hard Kill is the best and her reactions to Castle's fanboying to the actress is awesome!
- OMG! Beckett closed the blinds a tad violently! Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!
- Kate, your Stana is showing. My first thought was that it was Stana's list (of action stars eg Eastwood). And I wasn't the only one who thought that.
- Fanboy Castle. Beckett, you should know. You fangirled over Joe Torre (Beckett. Kate. Detective.) and you called your dad after.
- The Sound of Music reference. I immediately thought of the little girl in a pale pink coat.
- Castle has a poster of the actress AND suspect and wanted it signed!
- Ryan told Kate that her husband has a poster of the actress from when she was in Hard Kill.
- Lanie and Kate scene at the apartment. Love it!
- Castle's and Beckett's reactions to the CCTV footage of Delorca are priceless.
- Kate's knowledge of vintage cars!
- Castle gets invited by his idol to as cast night party to honour a fallen friend. He's so excited!
- Castle: You are my boyhood dream.
Beckett: Awww!
The whole fandom's with you, Beckett! - Oops! This isn't a boys' night out. This is avenging a friend night out!
- Castle: My wife is a cop.
He's never going to get over that. Neither can we. - Action movie trope: the whole gang walks towards you and something in the background explodes. Castle's reflex is to be frightened.
- Nathan's biceps! *drools*
- Beckett punishing Castle for getting the bugged collector's edition car is really funny. She's not condoning that kind of behaviour.
- Beckett's "Oh my god!" Twice....thrice...four times.
- Ooh! Didn't see that suspect coming! I thought it was the best friend.
- Beckett saying goodbye to her apartment, engraving the letters KB on a wooden post. This makes me remember the series finale of FRIENDS.
- Caskett in sync, mild meld!
- Beckett's expressions.
NB 2: Also, many are reacting why Castle just dismissed the meaning of the apartment for Kate that made her upset. And it's not about Mr Kubiak! Thinking about it, Castle also has memories in that apartment. A lot of things, both good and bad, was witnessed by the apartment: that's where they had their first fight (and they weren't even together yet), that's the apartment where Kate was staying when she was shot, they had their second fight there. I think that by saying he won't miss her place, he'd also be leaving those memories behind.
And now for the sneak peek of the next episode 710 Bad Santa:
Oh again! The fandom is angry because Castle looked at strippers in this little peek. Here's what I wrote on Tumblr:
Just because Castle looked, LOOKED, at a stripper he's cheating on Beckett and he doesn't love her. LET. IT. GO. It's not as if Beckett didn't look at other guys whilst in a relationship. She looked at strippers in Season 5 whilst with Castle. And she looked at Castle whilst with Josh in Season 3 albeit she wasn't invested in that relationship. She also looked at Vaughn, if I'm not mistaken, and that made Castle jealous but she also said he wasn't Rick.
In the AU, he refused Chelsea's advances on him. IN THE AU! Needst thou'st remember that Natalie Rhodes tried to seduce Castle and he refused? Because then, it's not about the books anymore. And that was in Season 3.
Looking doesn't mean he doesn't love her! Castle kept calling her his wife, HIS WIFE, and I don't think he'd get over that. And Beckett didn't storm off like a little girl just because he looked because she knew he loves her so much (and vice versa). I mean, the guy jumped in front of her to try to take on a bullet! It doesn't matter if he was a second too late. He didn't think he has a family - Alexis and Martha. He just tackled her to the ground because he didn't want her shot. And it happened in the AU episode because in his subconscious, it should have been him who was shot and not Beckett. Again, Castle saved her life in more ways than one. He helped her solve the one case that she couldn't, the reason she became a cop in the first place. He cares for her. The way he looks at her... If that isn't love, I don't know what is. All I know is that when Castle is with Beckett, he doesn't think of anyone but her.
Again, LET. IT. GO.
Anyway, excited for the episode later! Woot! I wonder what that cliffhanger is.
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