
Credit: Castle-Fans.org

I have never posted what I felt after watching Castle's In the Belly of the Beast...thoughts still in disarray. [Contains spoilers]

Seriously though, for a week, I had dreams about it and waking up and was like WHAT?! No that's not going to happen to her.

Kudos to the team for a great episode, especially Stana. This will be a great episode submission come Emmy time (another is Disciple although it's only the end scene. This one is the whole episode). Hopefully, she'll get noticed. She's an underrated actress, without a big award. Not counting the PCAs because it's from the fans. I feel she's being overlooked while others - there is one who is constantly nominated, haven't won yet though, but I think is bland - get nominated because their show is a favourite to the members.

I'm still not okay. I really can't say I survived and yet I know I'm going to subject myself in watching it again. -I need the new episode of Parks and Rec now.- Last night, after watching, I just needed to listen to the happy songs in Galinda, my Shuffle cos it's pink. And Let It Go.

My little sister (not so little as I'm only 51 weeks older than her) was with me when I was watching but I had my back turned to her and, fortunately, didn't actually see my reactions when Beckett gets tortured. I knew it was something about Bracken but didn't expect Vulcan Simmons to be back. I gaped when I heard his voice. On top of my head I was like "His name starts with V. Something like Vulture. He appeared in Knockdown." My sister, who doesn't watch Castle although if she watches with me laughs at Nathan's delivery of jokes, was like "Who?" and me going "from a previous episode, a guy who she interrogated, went badass on". But I like to actually thank her for her constant singing of Let It Go, complete with Elsa's actions. :)

Guys, I never been like this. Okay...there's always Journey's End from Doctor Who and I watched it a million times. And Ten's regeneration. And Eleven's regeneration because that is my first real, live regeneration. And the last episode of Ann Perkins and Chris Traeger on Parks and Rec where I really cried because Leslie's losing her bestie. Okay...I'm shallow. ;P

I love the theories on Beckett being Harry Potter and Bracken being You Know Who. Continuing that parallel, what if Castle turns out to be Neville Longbottom, which I assume he will be? And will Kate kill Bracken, finishing a statement from Simon Doyle in Time Will Tell, the one he said that he shouldn't have even mentioned? Or is this when Kate runs for office, before she becomes Senator in 20 years, if that is going to be her future? -But is this timeline flux? Cos going back and changing something big in history or someone from the future tells about what happens in between now and that future will create a paradox. Oh wait...-

I truly love the Caskett moments on this. Not what I expected in the end but it's enough especially how Kate chose to be with Rick rather than mulling over what to do with the Bracken situation. At least we know how Beckett really feels about Castle, which we only see through her eyes and not in words. A great character development because the past Beckett will just hide everything, keep to herself. Just her thinking about Castle and how he's with her all the time, ALWAYS, is an assurance that, whilst what happened to her was traumatic, her PTSD won't come back, in my opinion, because she has someone to talk to. Someone who cares for her and vice versa. She has someone who truly loves her and who she truly loves. Security in being safe. Period.

All in all, I had a super great time watching this episode. It was awesome albeit some weak points, as pointed out by some. Can't wait for the ninja one cos yes, like Nathan, I do love meself some ninja. Also, something personal and meaningful will happen on that day.

And yes, all awards to Stana. :D

PS Special mention to Penny! She's also great in this episode.


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