
(c) ABC Studios
I think the great thing about Caskett is that there was no formal courting or wooing. They had started out shaky, became friends and partners (in crime) and then started to fall in love with each other and became partners (in love).

Richard Castle is like the most understanding boyfriend. He understood when Kate needed time to heal from her wounds and he understands that she may still put up walls because she doesn't want to get hurt. He wanted someone extraordinary. He's also her saviour, in more ways than one. He saw her vulnerability and yet never took advantage.

Kate Beckett put down her walls for Castle, opening up to him when even her closest friends know that she's not a sharer. He's probably the only man she ever cried for and trusts, boyfriend-wise. She's not just a fan of and to Castle. She's family, even before they became a couple. She knows he's a millionaire but it's not why she will marry him.

They're just amazing together. ♥


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