
Showing posts from November, 2013

On the End Scene of Castle 609: Disciple

The majority said that Kate is scared because she finds out that 3XK is alive and is out there to get them. But that look is not of fear but pure, sheer, and utter terror. I've never seen that look before on Kate. My take is that the song means something to her: it was her parents' theme song or it was played at her mum's funeral or it's her mum's favourite song. And the way that Castle looked at her tells that he knows it too. Remember, Castle is the only person Kate opened up to and we don't know what happened behind the scenes. The lyrics also have something that says that it's not that 3XK will be back because we know he is. The message of the song is tell my loved ones that I'm happy wherever I am and that we will meet again. All of the 3XK files are missing from the files room and 26 other unsolved cases. What if of the 26, one included Johanna Beckett's file? Beckett, Castle, Espo, and Ryan solved Beckett's mum's murder (Sena...

The Coney Island Stick Man Convention: Why I Love Detective Beckett

"He's a reminder. That even on the worst days, there's a possibility for joy." - Detective Kate Beckett, on why she keeps a stick man in her desk drawer ( Season 5 Episode 3 :  Secret's Safe With Me ) Credit: I loved Castle from the moment I watched the pilot. I did this in July of this year and normally I would have finished watching in say two or three weeks, a month tops. I finished in a week, 105 episodes, five seasons. I love both characters - Richard Castle and Detective Kate Beckett - but I was drawn to Beckett more. Beckett is a strong character, yet she's also vulnerable making her flawed. Her story maybe like any of us: her mum, Johanna, was stabbed in an alley and was written off as random gang violence only to find out a decade later that she was murdered because of dirty cops. She entered the NYPD to see the discrepancies on the case but seeing nothing, she stopped until Castle, nosy as he is, came along and secretly...